Wednesday, April 15, 2020

NJ 2020 04 15

Let us start with the good news. The following is the prevalence chart. We now see the peak and the beginning of the drop.
The following is the Morris county prevalence:
It also shows a slo but measurable drop.
The above is the death count. Again this is a delay from initial infection as well as problematic data recording.
The above is the total infected.
The above shows a clear pattern of slow percent change.
The doubling time has increased dramatically if we can believe the data.
The above shows the Number of cases normalized by PoP/sq mi. Note that there seems to be a clear pattern at this point.
The above is income. No real disparity seen.
Finally the summary chart above show we have gone by the peak and are clearly on the way down. This should be good news if anyone is listening. In two weeks we should have controlled the spread. As usual we need wide spread testing done commercially and not by any Government entity.