Monday, April 6, 2020

Some Thoughts Post COVID

As I start to see what is being commercialized I wonder how this will change biotech. As the Soviet moon shot started the space race and the massive investment in high tech education in the 60s, perhaps this will do the same for biotech in the 20s.

Then I look at technology coming out, commercializing mRNA tests, antibody tests, DNA tests, taking them from labs and centralized testing to point of service locations. Distributing health care. Networking it. Could this be an example of change in health care as the Internet did for telecommunications? A few months ago no one would ever think of doing antibody tests on the fly, having the ability to do PCR, seq-RNA, Abs, in an off site location. The real time networking the results.

The challenge will be to see if we can adapt the dynamic changes into therapeutics and immunizations. One can appreciate the classic Phase I, II, III schema but that works when tow things are present. First, no real hurry. Second, a clear and present danger of massive adverse effects, well exceeding the disease itself. Perhaps a rexamination of the FDA in the cards.