Thursday, April 9, 2020

NJ 2020 04 09

Here we go again. Today Gov closed all Parks, mandated face masks for shopping etc. Of course there is now enforcement so glove-less unmasked characters wander about. I wonder who wins a Darwin Award this week?
Total still climbing.
Rates are decreasing.
We are now doing death rate. It peaked yesterday and seems to be dropping. Note death usually is 3-4 weeks after infection so we are seeing people infected in early March.
This is an interesting curve. It contains the four elements. Note the new seem to be level. Light at end of tunnel happens when this drops. One guesses that it may be by the end of the weekend.

What the above states is a clear increase in doubling times. If one looks from 26 March forward we see great doubling time increases. This is a 14 day period. Namely this is the time from exposure to symptoms. Push it out a week and we should be seeing a downturn.
The above are the town doubling times. This data is real noisy and thus has great variance.
This is now for the county. No clear trend here.